Subject: International Healing Foundation - Greetings from China!

Dear Friend,
That’s right – as you read this, my wife Sherry and I are in China finalizing the adoption of two beautiful children into our family. Earlier this week we met our new daughter, Lily and by the time you rad this we will have met our new son, Paul.

As we are on the other side of the world, the battle at home for the lives of those who want help with conflicts around sexual orientation and gender identity rages on. But the International Healing Foundation (IHF) continues to fight back by providing a healing message to those who seek help. Recently we hosted our annual Breakthrough Healing Weekend for Men with unwanted SSA. We had 22 men from across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates who experience a tremendous healing in their lives.

Our Key to Your Child’s Heart mothers healing weekend is coming up on September 18-20, 2015 in the Washington, DC area. Here’s what one mom said after attending last year’s weekend:
“This weekend helped me find myself and my issues. This will enable me to better help my son, my husband and my family. To spend intense quality time with other hurting moms and with professional guidance, I once again have hope.”
But to be honest, we are just reaching the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more people wanting help – especially women. I have found a wonderful female counselor that would be a great fit for this ministry, but we just don’t have the funds to bring her on staff.

But with your financial help we can change that. I am asking you to consider a generous gift to IHF so that we hire and train this wonderful female therapist. If everyone who receives this email would give a one-time gift of $50, I could call her tomorrow and begin the training process that will allow us to say “yes” to the women who are calling me for help. So please consider a gift of $50 or more to IHF.

On behalf of all the women to whom we will be able to say yes because of your support – thank you.


Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC

P.S. We now accept credit/debit card donations on our secure web site and do not need to use PayPal to process your contribution.

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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