Subject: Healing Hearts and Minds, One Family at a Time

“I can’t believe what my child just told me! 
What do I do? Where can I go for help?”

Dear Friends,

For many parents, this is a nightmare. When a child comes out to the family, parents go into shock and seek answers. They go to their place of worship or online seeking resources and solutions. Through International Healing Foundation's (IHF) family counseling, weekend healing retreats for parents, and family healing sessions, families learn new skills and effective ways to help their struggling child.

This is accomplished by setting love in order, helping families learn to unconditional love, and emotionally connect to each other's hurts.

To facilitate family healing, we offer therapeutic experiences to further growth and family healing. When an emotional wound goes unrecognized, the hurt within a child develops into a number of symptoms (including SSA) in order to cope with the underlying pain. Our Family Healing Sessions connect the wounded adult-child to his or her parents and family.

Family Healing Sessions are especially helpful to remove blocks that prevent healthy communication and connection within the family, creating more harmonious and loving relationships. They also support the resolution of longstanding conflicts between parents and children. In Family Healing Sessions, parents and children express their emotions and work through these wounds. As a result, they experience a wonderful bonding and reattachment!

Our Key to Your Child’s Heart healing retreat for mothers and fathers of SSA loved ones connects parents with a supportive network to facilitate growth and family healing. The goal is for each mother and father to grow personally, learning how to better love and understand their struggling child, and to uncover how their own unresolved issues may be blocking their family’s path to healing.

Look at the impact that the Key to Your Child’s Heart healing retreats for mothers and fathers has had on parents:
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"The Mother’s Healing Weekend was an awesome experience. I am moving forward with love and confidence. I no longer feel the panic. The “I-need-this-to-be-over-now” feeling is gone. I am peaceful, restful, stilled. I am filled." ~ A Grateful Mother

"What I knew in my head wasn’t what I did from my heart. The Father’s Healing Weekend showed me the difference. " ~ Paul P. (Father)

It has been such an honor for me to work with these families and watch healing begin before my eyes. There is no better feeling than to watch a family as they go from panic, to peace, to healing.

But we cannot help these families without the support of people like you. During this time of year the struggles of families are amplified as they see those around them celebrating the season while they are in despair as they struggle with feelings of hopelessness. Our desire is to bring hope where there seems to be hopelessness. Your gift will be a gift of hope to all those families who come to IHF seeking healing and restoration. On behalf of those who will be impacted by your gift, thank you.


Christopher J. Doyle, MA, LCPC
International Healing Foundation
Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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