| | | Your Support Will Change Lives!
Help IHF deliver hope to families in 2016!
But there are more individuals and families who need help, and without your generous financial assistance, we won't be able to reach them!
Please partner with us in restoring hope to hurting individuals and families by giving generously. Your tax-deductible contribution will make a huge impact in helping to save a hurting son or daughter, father or mother. Real people’s lives will be saved and changed. Please give generously by making a secure online tax-deductible gift by clicking here. No gift is too small, or too big: $10, $20, $30, $50, $100, $1,000, $10,000, or more.
Thank you for your support!
 | A NEW SEASON BEGINS Richard Cohen, M.A., Founder Christopher Doyle is the executive director of the new Institute for Healthy Families (IHF), independent of the old International Healing Foundation. He is a gifted therapist, extraordinary man of God, and wonderful husband and father. It has been an honor and pleasure to mentor and work alongside Christopher over the past six years. In this new season, Christopher will now take the healing work that was started to a whole new level, helping more individuals and families, and create many more resources to train professionals. It is with great pride and joy that I recommend and encourage Christopher to fulfill his destiny with the new IHF. He has my vote of confidence and I ask you to please support him with your prayers and contributions. As for me, I am now the director of PATH: Positive Approaches To Healthy Sexuality. We are an ecumenical coalition of like-minded organizations who subscribe to traditional Biblical Principles, and our main focus is the promotion of healthy sexuality. Watch for our new website in January (www.pathinfo.org). I wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and a Blessed New Year!
Please note the following new contact information for 2016:
Christopher Doyle, IHF: cdoyle@institututeforhealthyfamilies.org
Administrative Office, IHF: ihfinfo@institututeforhealthyfamilies.org
Richard Cohen, PATH: rcohenpath@yahoo.com
Administrative Office, PATH: bpath2825@gmail.com and mary.caseoffice@gmail.com
| | Happy New Year! Thank you for your support for the Institute for Healthy Families. May your new year be blessed with peace, love and joy!