Subject: Get 15% OFF Online Counselor Training Program!

Register for the
Online Counselor Training Program

by March 3 and receive 15% off!

That's only $250.75 for 10 weeks of online training.
Use discount code: 7YWNQVVM

(Discount will only work through link below. Click link, add to shopping cart, copy and paste discount code in the shopping cart. Discount valid only through March 3, 2014.)

Training will begin April 2, 1:00-2:30 pm EST
(pending enough participants)
No one today has more practical, real-life experience helping individuals overcome unwanted same-sex attraction than Richard Cohen. I have applied techniques and ideas that I’ve learned from Richard with great success as I’ve worked with life-coaching clients and groups. His instruction and mentoring have been invaluable.
—Rich Wyler, Founder and Director, People Can Change
Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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