Subject: Defying the Odds!

Dear Friend,

Spring has arrived in the Washington, DC area. Soon the earth will come to life with flowers and trees beginning to bloom like they have for thousands of years. This time of year reminds me how God can bring life and healing from what looks to us as lifeless and barren. It’s a miracle I marvel at every spring. 

Life and healing – that’s what the International Healing Foundation (IHF) has been bringing to those with unwanted same-sex attraction for 25 years. What an incredible 25 year journey it has been! While gay activists have tried to silence our message, your continued support has allowed us to share the truth and bring healing to thousands who have come for help!

Early on in our ministry, we realized that there are many pastors, ministry leaders, and therapists who struggle to help their church members and clients with conflicts over their sexuality. Because of this need, IHF created a comprehensive Counselor Training Program (CTP) that teaches ministry leaders and therapists how bring healing to their church members and clients.

This CTP has now been taught throughout the United States, Europe, and Mexico, and its methods are being used by hundreds of professionals!

"This training changed not only my therapeutic practice, but my marriage 
and parenting. I cannot thank you enough."

“Being a part of the Counselor Training Program, responding to,
and helping persons with SSA has revolutionized and empowered 
my ministry tremendously.”
While activists are trying to shut down counselors, we are expanding our reach with programs to train pastors and therapists on how to bring hope and healing to those seeking their help. On May 19-21, 2015 IHF will hold a special Counselor Training Program in Washington, D.C. Please pray that God would bless the conference and that those who attend will be able to take what they have learned and apply it to their congregations and clients.
With all we have accomplished and with all the lives that have been changed, our need continues to grow. As word gets out that IHF has the solution, more and more people are calling us for help. After 25 years the need has become greater and our ministry must grow to meet the challenges of the future. Almost every day I turn away another client asking for help because we don’t have enough counselors on our staff. Many of those who call are women. Truth is we just don’t have the resources to take on any more clients. It’s frustrating when you know you can help them.

I am asking you to help me help others. Will you consider a special 25th Anniversary gift of $25, $50, $75 or $100 to IHF? We desperately need to add more staff so we can help more people. As you can see – our counseling and training programs work! They change lives! But unless you can help, we have to continue to turn people away. Please help me say YES with your special 25th Anniversary donation of $25, $50, $75 or $100 or more.

The cries for help are loud and clear. Your special 25th Anniversary donation can bring healing to so many. Please give a tax-deductible gift today!

Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC
International Healing Foundation

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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