Subject: DREAM BIG!

December 22, 2015
Help IHF Deliver Hope to Families in 2016

Dream big with me for a moment: You’re living in a world where all families produce healthy, happy, and God-honoring children. There are No addictions. No infidelity. No divorce. No violence. No sexual problems. Surely this is a dream, right? Could we even prevent these problems?

Ricky went to church every Sunday with his family, sitting side-by-side with other families from the community, and yet, he had a big secret. Late at night, while doing his 8th grade homework, he would surf the web looking for porn that would arouse him while watching sexual fantasies. Afterwards, guilt and shame immediately set in … but where was he to go for help, hope, and solutions?

For too long, the family and church have “punted” their responsibility to help those who experience sexual and relational brokenness to secular society. Where has this led us? Divorce and infidelity among couples of faith are at record highs, and more of our children are suffering from substance abuse, sexual issues, and gender confusion. What this means is that our families and churches are not healthy, and we cannot expect the secular, scientific community to meet our needs.

This fall, we announced a major change for the International Healing Foundation.
After twenty-five years of ministry for individuals and families who experience conflicts over same-sex attraction (SSA), we are expanding our approach in key areas of Prevention and Family Counseling so that we can better meet the needs of families before their children develop addictions, sexual problems, or emotional disorders.

At the new IHF, the Institute for Healthy Families will equip the Judeo-Christian community to meet the challenges of 2016 and beyond. Our new mission: Restoring Hope in the Hurting Home!

I also want to let you know that we are not abandoning our mission of providing hope and healing to individuals and families struggling with sexual orientation and gender identity confusion. We are building off of our many past achievements.

In 2015 alone, we reached more than ever before! In May, dozens across the world attended our three-day Counselor Training Program in Washington, D.C. In July we had men from all across the United States, Mexico, Canada, Peru, and the United Arab Emirates attend our Breakthrough Healing Weekend for men with unwanted same-sex attractions. This fall, we hosted two Key to Your Child’s Heart healing weekends (one for mothers, one for fathers) that allowed mothers and fathers of gay-identified children to find hope and healing.

Throughout the year I also traveled to many cities to work with parents and children intensely for two-day Family Healing Sessions. This December, we had a tremendous opportunity to film a Family Healing Session with one of my clients who has allowed a documentary film crew to come into his counseling sessions with me weekly for the last year and a half. Not only will the documentary film show the healing of this young man and family, but we will also use the footage to include in a future book and training video so therapists around the world can learn how to help families through intensive healing sessions.

As you read this, our message of healing has gotten more exposure in the media than ever before. This year alone, I have been interviewed or featured in over 100 news outlets or media publications, including the Associated Press, Washington Times, Christian Post, World Magazine, The Atlantic, and many more. But there are more individuals and families who need help, and without your generous financial assistance, we won't be able to reach them!

Please partner with us in restoring hope to hurting individuals and families by giving generously. Your tax-deductible contribution will make a huge impact in helping to save a hurting son or daughter, or father or mother. Real people’s lives will be saved and changed.

Please give generously by making a secure online tax-deductible gift by clicking here. No gift is too small, or too big: $10, $20, $30, $50, $100, $1,000, $10,000, or more.

We are also able to accept gifts of appreciated stocks/securities. If that is how you would like to give please e-mail us at and we will send you the proper information to make an electronic transfer of stocks or other securities.

Each and every dollar given goes directly to helping restore hope in the hurting home. Thank you for partnering with us, and I wish you and your family a prosperous and healthy New Year!

Christopher Doyle, MA, LPC, LCPC
Executive Director
Institute for Healthy Families

Message from Christopher Doyle:

Thank you for your prayers and support for the Institute for Healthy Families! By donating to IHF you are being part of the healing process in someone’s life. And your donation to IHF is 100 percent tax-deductible since IHF is a 501(c)(3) non –profit organization!

Thank you for your help in changing lives! Click here to donate!

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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