Dear Friend:
In 2015, the International Healing Foundation (IHF) celebrates its 25th year of helping bring healing to those experiencing conflicts around same-sex attraction (SSA). What an incredible journey it has been! While gay activists have tried to silence our message, your continued support has allowed us to share the truth and bring healing to thousands who have come to us for help! One of those clients is Nathan:
"When I decided to pursue therapy with the IHF, my skepticism could scarcely have been stronger. However, as the months progressed, my therapist helped me to locate, treat, and—most importantly—heal the emotional wounds that I had suffered in my youth and adolescence. He has helped me to overcome the unwanted SSA that I have struggled with for years." ~ Nathan
Nathan is just one of many stories of healing I could share with you. But after 25 years, there are many who are not getting effective help. Just this month, a petition known as Leelah’s law reached the desk of President Barack Obama. This petition calls for a nationwide ban on so-called “conversion therapy,” because of a young man who was confused about his gender identity and was unable to resolve this conflict with his parents and family, tragically took his own life because he lost hope. Recently, The Christian Post interviewed me about this tragedy, and you can read the article by clicking here.
If only the counselor who was working with this family could have helped the parents learn how to unconditionally love their child and pursue family healing, his life could have been saved! Instead, gay activists are using this tragedy to try and shut down effective counseling for children and families who really need help and healing.
Over the years, IHF has developed many effective programs that have helped children, adults, and families struggling with sexual orientation issues. Not only have we helped thousands of individuals in the U.S. and around the world, but we have also helped bring healing to mothers, fathers, and families with our healing seminars. Furthermore, we have trained pastors, lay leaders, and therapists how to help their parishioners and clients struggling with these issues. But there is so much more to do.
Almost every day I turn away another client asking for help because we don’t have enough counselors on our staff. Many of those who call are women. Truth is, we just don’t have the resources to take on any more clients. It’s frustrating when you know you can help them. So I am asking you to help me help others.
Will you consider a special 25th Anniversary gift to IHF? We desperately need to add more staff so we can help more people. As you can see – what we do works! It changes lives! But unless you can help, we have to continue to turn people away.
Please help me say YES! You can click on the donate box below to give by credit card or you can mail your contribution to the International Healing Foundation, P.O. Box 901, Bowie, MD 20718.
The cries for help are loud and clear. Your financial support can bring healing to so many. Please give today!
Sincerely, |
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