Subject: Celebrate with us in a Historic Documentary of our Work!

June 6, 2017
Celebrate with us in a Historic Documentary of our Work: Restoring Hope in the Hurting Home

Dear Friends,

Last year I told you about an amazing opportunity I had to take part in a feature-length, documentary film with a client of mine, Nathan. For 1.5 years, we allowed cameras into our individual, group, and family sessions so that his story could be told – out of that, The Sunday Sessions was born! This is not a political, “talking-heads” movie where experts argue persuasively for one side or the other – it’s emotional! It’s raw! It’s real, unedited life! Below are just a few quotes from those involved.
“The filming and production of this documentary proved time and time again to be an emotionally taxing process . . . Seeing a man similar in age to me struggle with his sexual orientation, as well as his identity in general, was a struggle to witness.” 
 ~ Director, Richard Yeaguely
“As an observer I felt a little uncomfortable, but as I watched more of the story and Nathan became more vulnerable and less defensive it became more interesting. I saw some of myself in Nathan when I was in my early 20’s, searching and seeking what was right and congruent with my values.”
~ Anonymous Film Screener
“It was an emotionally exhausting, raw experience. It challenged every part of me, to my core. But I am a better man for it.” 
~ Nathan, Film Protagonist
I have to be really honest. The Sunday Sessions did not come out exactly how I would have liked. I would have liked for Nathan to have completely resolved all of his unwanted attractions. I would have liked for Nathan to have met a woman and gotten married at the end. I would have liked the viewer to finish watching the film, convinced that therapy for men with unwanted same-sex attractions is effective and helpful for all. But that’s not what happened.

Nathan did get help from our therapy, and he also stayed true to his Catholic, Christian values. But like many others, Nathan’s journey is not over. This film didn’t wrap up his therapy experience in a nice, neat package with a pretty little red bow on it – and do you know what? That will probably make the film and Nathan’s story that more compelling (For more info, go to:! In The Sunday Sessions, we see the humanity and struggle of a young man coming to terms with his faith and sexual identity. It’s a process that many people wrestle with, but few are vulnerable enough to allow it to play out on camera. For that, Nathan is a hero! It’s about time our stories are told! Because it’s our stories that matter to God and His people.
Our stories unite us. They give us strength. They heal us. Not because we are on some quest for equality or civil rights, but because our stories are a part of God’s plan. God has a purpose and a plan for all of lives, and our struggle with sexuality is meant to help us look to Him and to each other for love and support along the journey! This is exactly the theme of my upcoming book, The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos, due to be released this fall! Inspired by Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, I have been writing this book for two years as a solution for the Evangelical church’s lack of a unified doctrine on sexuality. I discuss how science and scripture, faith and reason, compliment each other in the ideal of Biblical marriage

At the same time, I lay out three simple steps for how the church can be more loving and empathetic for the struggles of those who do not reach God’s ideal, including those who are gay or experience unwanted same-sex attractions. 

Institute for Healthy Families needs your support to promote this book to the faith-community and further our work with families and individuals across the United States and beyond! As summer draws near, we would like to hire a communications and director of outreach to work with churches to get this resource in their hands for Bible studies and Sunday morning services. We only need $10,000 to fill this staff position and get started on this project. Will you help us make this happen?

We also have many healing opportunities coming up this summer. At the end of June, I will facilitate a new healing weekend I created this year called Break-Free Your Inner Child in Richmond, Virginia. Due to high demand (we reached capacity for this retreat in two weeks) we added an additional weekend at the end of August! But not all men that want to attend can afford to do so. Will you prayerfully consider a gift of $599 (full scholarship) or $300 (partial scholarship) to sponsor a man in financial need? 

Fall also brings our two weekend retreats for moms and dads, Key to Your Child’s Heart
Would you give the gift of healing for these parents who are struggling to love their son or daughter unconditionally and heal their families? So many moms and dads that have attended these retreats in the last five years have found the hope and courage to continue their journeys because of the healing and insights they have received at these weekends!
Yes, I want to support the marketing and promotion of “The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos” by helping the Institute for Healthy Families hire an outreach and communication director. Click here to make a generous online gift.

Yes, I want to sponsor a man in need to attend this summer’s “Break-Free Your Inner Child” healing weekend! I would like to give $599 (full scholarship) or $300 (partial). Click here to make a generous online gift.

Yes, I want to sponsor a mom or dad in need to attend this fall’s “Key to Your Child’s Heart” healing weekend! I would like to give $399 (full scholarship) or $200 (partial). Click here to make a generous online gift. 

Thank you for joining me in our mission of restoring hope to hurting families and individuals by giving a tax-deductible donation to IHF. You can give by going to our website at: and click on the donate button at the top of the page to make a secure credit card gift. 

We are also able to accept gifts of appreciated stocks/securities. If that is how you would like to give please e-mail us at: for more information.

To make your gift even more rewarding, any tax-deductible gift of at least $100 will receive an autographed copy of The Meaning of Sex when it is released this fall!

Thank you for partnering with us, and may God bless you and your family!

Christopher Doyle, MA, LPC, LCPC
Executive Director
Institute for Healthy Families

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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