Subject: But Isn't It Just Sin?

January 5, 2018
Donate $100 to the Institute for Healthy Families and Receive a Free Copy of The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos

Institute for Healthy Families is getting ready for the release of Christopher Doyle's new book, The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos

Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more? All donations of $100 will receive a complimentary copy of Christopher's new book, set to be released in January!

By donating to IHF you are being part of the healing process in someone’s life. And your donation to IHF is 100 percent tax-deductible since IHF is a 501(c)(3) non –profit organization.

Thank you for your help in changing lives!

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But isn’t it just sin?
excerpt from The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos

In my experience, Christians often label sexual temptations and artificial sexual experiences, when acted upon, as sin. However, merely having these desires or impulses does not constitute sin. Rather, there are specific psychological and emotional reasons why one experiences attractions outside of marriage. To that end, it’s important to consider the developmental, environmental, and temperamental causes for these desires.

Keep in mind that unhealthy opposite-sex relationships also result in lust, unwanted desires, and behavioral compulsions that often lead the Christian who believes in the heterosexual model of Biblical sexuality into sinful patterns that are just as troubling and complex as our non-heterosexually-attracted friends.

Because of my history of emotional and sexual brokenness, I made the mistake of trying to pursue sexual gratification through my wife for many years in our marriage. Because of my sexual abuse and addiction background, I viewed the marriage bed as a way to experience pleasure, to feel good, and many times, to relieve stress. You might say: So what’s wrong with that… you’re married right? Sex can do all of those things! 

Yes, sex can do all of these things, but those “things” are merely an ancillary result, not the objective or main purpose, for sexual intimacy. Sexual intimacy is sacred. It’s special. It’s literally the bonding of two halves into one to create a consecrated union between two of God’s children, for life. The Bible describes it as two becoming “one flesh.” (Matthew 19:5). Click here to read more of chapter 4 of Christopher Doyle's new book, The Meaning of Sex: A New Christian Ethos.
Watch Christopher Doyle's Presentation on Adolescent Sexual Health

Click here to watch IHF Executive Director, Christopher Doyle, discuss adolescent sexual health and his book, Benefits of Delaying Sexual Debut, at the 2017 Joint Conference with the American College of Pediatricians and American Association of Pro-Life OBGYN's in Chicago, IL (Photo: Christopher Doyle with American College of Pediatricians President, Dr. Michelle Cretella). 
Institute for Healthy Families (IHF) specializes in counseling solutions for individuals, couples, families, therapists, and ministry leaders. IHF is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit therapeutic organization located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. As a Judeo-Christian organization, IHF believes that the family is the foundation for healthy individuals, relationships, communities, and places of worship. While IHF is non-sectarian, we believe that God reveals His truth in both the Bible and Creation and that we can use this wisdom to help facilitate healing. IHF believes that through this synthesis of science and faith, we can help our clients form and maintain healthy families that will be able to help their children become the best versions of themselves and fulfill God’s will for their lives. For more information, visit our website at: 
Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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