Subject: A Permanent Home for IHF!

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A Permanent Home for the
International Healing Foundation
Dear Friend,

Last month, our staff trained therapists, counselors, pastors, and parents from the all over the globe with our four stage healing protocol for those who experience sexual orientation conflicts. What an incredible three days, with great questions about how to implement some of the techniques that were taught and many tears shed among those who shared their stories of healing!

But just as we finished the training, a bill was introduced in Congress that would outlaw therapy for all who experience unwanted same-sex attractions (SSA), and two weeks ago the "Trial of the Century" began in New Jersey, where the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is attacking our friends at JONAH, trying to wage war on our work in the court room. I have been writing several opinion editorials at The Christian Post to defend JONAH while revealing the holes in the SPLC's sham lawsuit.

So the battle for the rights of those who want, and deserve, help goes on. At the International Healing Foundation (IHF) we are attacking these lies on several fronts. One of those is to advance our programs and mission through a strategic plan covering the next five years. The initial part of the plan is to find IHF a permanent home. I am pleased to report that we have found office space in Manassas, Virginia that will meet our needs for at least the next five years!
The space has a reception area for clients, a conference room, and enough office space to house our staff and add additional therapists and staff for the next 5 years. Our goal is to raise $165,000 by Labor Day, which will allow us to purchase the office space and furnishings in cash!

IHF is blessed to be in a good financial position to purchase the office and make a monthly mortgage payment, but we would like to raise enough money to completely eliminate the mortgage so we can dedicate more of our budget to counseling and education in 2015 and beyond. We are trusting God to provide the $165,000 needed to purchase this property for cash by Labor Day and keep IHF debt free!
I am passionate about remaining debt free and respectfully ask you to consider a special generous one-time gift to help IHF purchase this space and stay debt free. Be assured that 100% of this special gift toward this project will go directly to the purchase and furnishing of this office. My hope is to report back to you that we have purchased and furnished the space free and clear of any debt. If we can reach this goal, we will be able to put more resources into helping people and families find the healing they so desperately need.

The battle for the lives of those who choose healing continues to rage around us. Please help us fight back those who would deny help for those who truly want to experience healing for SSA. I thank you in advance for your gift toward this project!

God’s blessings to you and yours, 

Christopher Doyle, MA, LCPC
International Healing Foundation

Institute for Healthy Families, P.O. Box 3223, 20108, Manassas, United States
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