Subject: Your Sacred Power™ Community News Update

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Your Sacred Power™ - New Beginnings

I know it has been several years since I have been in touch.  I hope you can allow me to reintroduce myself.  You see, I had to answer and fulfill another call in my life.  

I moved to Portland, Oregon from Phoenix, AZ in Feb. of 2016 to take a position as Director of Mission Integration and Spiritual Care in a Healthcare System.  I had the opportunity to oversee and support leaders and caregivers who served our patients, families, volunteers, seniors and children with special needs.  I was also able to lead pilgrimages, teach at retreats, and provide formation for leaders.  

Then another calling came into my life.  The discernment process took 6 -9 months. I knew it was time to retire from healthcare administration and return to the personal healing and transformational ministry.  I moved back to Phoenix, Nov of 2019 to live my passion, not only in my community where I live by online.   

I hope you will take a moment to review my website and remain on my email list.  I have several programs and retreats that I will be launching.  (one is below).   As we go forward, I would also like to know what I could add to serve you in answering the calls that beckon you.  You have a life purpose and there are many ways to live it.  

I invite you to follow me on social media and check out a program I just launched.  If you are at a time in your life where you an entrepreneur or considering starting a business, you will enjoy the Free Giveaway below.  I am one of the contributors.   

Be Brave, Be True, Be You


The Daring Way ™ Programs
Daring Greatly™
8 - week Virtual Workshop starts March 6th
Limited to 12 participants.

Develop the courage to be all in, to be vulnerable, to show up and be seen in the important arenas of your life. This virtual workshop is about developing shame resilience skills and developing a courage practice that transforms the way we live, love, parent and lead.

Rising Strong™ is a weekend Retreat in Phoenix, AZ.  March 27-29th.  Limited to 12 participants.
Entrepreneurs Giveaway
Over $15,000 in gifts to SCALE your BUSINESS and IGNITE your LIFE.

How would you like to snag a bunch of valuable gifts that my friends and I are offering for entrepreneurs?

There are lots of freebies galore – for more clients and more sales and more income in your business – at the Action Takers Giveaway!

I joined Serena Carcasole and Cornelia Ward in sharing our hottest tips to success as thriving entrepreneurs. Don't miss this fun giveaway.  

Follow me on social media:                   
Bonnie McCulley, E Calavar Rd, Phoenix, AZ 850332, United States
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