I do believe God goes ahead of us and prepares the way for our success. I also believe that in order to make "the way" happen, we must be part of the solution. It starts with believing in yourself.
"To move ahead you need to believe in yourself...have conviction in your beliefs and the confidence to execute those beliefs."– Adlin Sinclair
As we go through life, one of our biggest chores is to learn to believe in ourselves. We must build our confidence and trust our beliefs. In order to move ahead, we must have strong beliefs and be willing to stand by them.
• Take a long look at who you really are and what you believe in. • Determine how to firmly stand behind those beliefs. • Find ways to use those beliefs to move ahead in your life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. Do I really believe this with all my heart and soul? 2. What does it take to stand behind my belief? 3. Do I have the confidence to stand up for my beliefs even when faced with opposition?
Could you use help in discovering the way? I would be honored to support you. Sign up for a free 30 minute discernment call.