Subject: The Rivers of Challenge, Inspiration, Surprise and Meaning

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The Four Rivers of Life

Angeles Arrien says there are four rivers of life    that we need to track to insure that we are fully    alive
1) The River of Inspiration,  2) The River of 
Challenge, 3) The River of Surprise,  and  4) The River of. Meaning. These four rivers are such a meaningful lens right now for reflecting on our lives, businesses and creative projects.

We are definitely living in The River of  Challenge these days. Challenges have the potential to stretch and grow us. They teach us about resourcefulness and can be catalysts for new ideas or perspectives.

The River of Inspiration is like food for the soul. It’s about noticing who or what inspires you. I’ve been inspired daily by companies pivoting to meet the needs of their communities and by so much creativity and generosity of spirit. WOW! Are you allowing yourself to be fed by inspiration?

The River of Surprise can show us where we are stuck and inflexible but it’s also a combination of delight and awe. These are difficult times, what surprises are you experiencing? How have you surprised yourself?

And finally The River of Meaning is about looking at where you have been touched or moved. It’s about our sense of purpose and holding dear what has heart and meaning for us.

To be fully alive, especially in these times, is to step up, to lead, to be of service and to be the river of inspiration to others and to create from a place of purpose and meaning.     

Take time reflect on these four rivers of life.   
Below are free resources to support you on the journey.

For over a decade, my friend and #AspireMag Publisher Linda Joy has curated a sacred collection of gifts from women who are changing the world with their offerings.          (I’m honored to be one of them).   

Why journey alone?
Take the first step and take advantage of the 80+ transformational (no*cost) offering in THE heart-centered, soul-inspired gift giveaway for women—now in its 13th season.  (Men can sign in, too)

    I am offering this program:

   "Finding your Unique Brilliance using the Archetypes"

   Over 80 gifts are waiting for you here>>       

   Be Brave, Be True, Be You - Empower Your Life

   Bonnie McCulley, LPC, BCC, Ch.T.

Bonnie McCulley, E Calavar Rd, Phoenix, AZ 850332, United States
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