Subject: The Resilient You: Traits and the 7 point attitude adjustment

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Every individual on this Earth has their unique individual array of emotions, and those emotions reveal themselves in the form of distinct attitudes. How you use your short-term emotions determines your overall mood in life...

In this eBook, we will discuss not only will we list methods to improve your attitude, but we’ll also analyze both negative and positive attitudes, so you have a deeper understanding of how they present themselves...

The seven steps that we’ve compiled have been proven to be effective within every single age group, regardless of current situation or attitude. That’s because they’re versatile, and the tips we share with you can be molded around an individual and tailored to any scenario. As long as you’re open to change and want that positive attitude, this eBook will be perfect for you.  Without further ado, let’s delve in and restructure that attitude!    Download the Ebook here:

Traits of Resiliency Worksheet

Resilience is defined as the ability to recover quickly from adversity. The research shows that people are more likely to learn from difficult or traumatic situations (resilience) than not.

There are several personal qualities that are considered ‘protective factors’ in individuals who are resilient. These factors are based on years of research.

The personal resiliency indicators are:
Relationships – the ability to form positive relationships
• Helpfulness – gives of self to help others
• Life Skills – practices good life skills such as communication, problem solving, etc.
• Humor – ability to laugh at difficult situations
• Inner Guidance – uses internal guidance for making choices and coping with problems
• Perceptiveness – ability to understand people and situations
• Independence – ability to make choices that are best for oneself despite the norm
• Optimism – hopeful view of the future
• Adaptability – ability to adjust to changing needs and circumstances
• Love of learning – interest in and capacity to learn and grow
• Self-motivation – internally driven
• Competence – mastery of something that matters
• Self-worth – sees self as a worthy and worthwhile person
• Spirituality – faith in a power greater than oneself
• Perseverance – ability to keep on in the face of difficulty
• Creativity – use of imagination and expression through some artistic outlet
(Adapted from The Resiliency Workbook, Nan Henderson)

Most people have some of these characteristics. We can build our resilience by developing traits and characteristics that we do not currently possess.

1. Highlight or check off the traits and characteristics that you possess.

2. Write here any traits or characteristics that you would like to develop to build your resilience.

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Be Brave, Be True, Be You, 

Bonnie McCulley, E Calavar Rd, Phoenix, AZ 850332, United States
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