Subject: Are you Free and Clear in your life and business?

Hello and Good Day to You,

If you are an entrepreneur or have thought of answering that call, you invest much of your time, energy (emotional, spiritual, physical, intellectual), and finances into your business.

As such, business risks become personal risks.

It is normal and expected to find your personal "stuff" will show up during the course of your entrepreneurial process.  That "stuff" will stifle your success or even stop you in your tracks, make you question your abilities, and even make you quit altogether.   

For example, have you ever had the heart wrenching and soul wrenching experience of getting caught up in your head with these nagging thoughts?

  • Am I smart/experienced/creative enough to do this?

  • Do I know what I'm doing?

  • Will people like my ideas?

  • Do I take up too much space?

  • What if I fail?

  • Why do I continue to hold back on owning my message and making it more visible?

  • Am I really enough to hold my place with the industry leaders? (even though I know deep down that I am!)  

  • Did I misunderstand the direction from my Sacred Power?

These are the growing pains of entrepreneurs. It’s where the messy human stuff collides with your big dreams. 

I am here to tell you that that it doesn't have to be that way.  

For more information on the program and my journey, start here:

If you are open to a different way of thinking and being as a leader in your business and life, I know you will love the opportunity to . . . 

  • Break existing patterns, emotions, and behaviors that fragment you and your business.

  • Clear your mind of limiting beliefs and limiting emotions (befriend them)

  • Change the story and behaviors that defeat innovation.

  • Reignite and realign your creativity.

  • Identify your unique brilliance and values to make positive decisions

  • Empower the courage within vulnerability to show up, be heard, and lead bravely

  • Experience clarity in you calling

If you are nodding your head yes to this, It would be my absolute joy and pleasure to tell you more about the program and to reassure you on how it helped me (and continues to do so). Introducing...

I am looking for 16 women who would like to be "free and clear" of the "messy stuff" so you can show up and be seen in a bold new way especially when visibility is the key for your success.  

In my special priced pilot program, you have the opportunity to break existing patterns, emotions, and behaviors that fragment you and your business.

Jump in Now. We start June 30 and I am only taking 16 women.

For more information and to begin this powerful process, start here:

Bonnie McCulley, BCC, LPC, Ch,T.

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