Subject: A Wholehearted Inventory Assessment (strengths/growth)

Are you living wholeheartedly?

The Wholehearted Inventory instrument (developed by Brene Brown) assesses your strengths and opportunities for growth. You’ll see that the sub-scales align with the guideposts in this image.

I found out that I needed let go of self doubt, fears, and numbing. I don't like the feeling of powerlessness. I got to work on myself by cultivating a resilient spirit, gratitude, and and meaning in life.

This year has brought on enough stress to unbalance my life and I believe it is has impacted you, too. I took action to change my journey and I hope you will do the same for you well-being.

The Wholehearted Inventory Assessment brought the awareness I needed to make the changes.

The direct link for the assessment is on this page:

Take the FREE assessment.  

What do you need to Let Go? What do you need to Cultivate?

My upcoming program based on the book, "Gifts of Imperfection" and the 10 Guideposts by Brene Brown, will help you

  • Explore the guideposts for wholehearted living s

  • DIG Deep (Get Deliberate; Get Inspired; Get Going) and make commitments on how you’re going to incorporate what you’re learning into your everyday life.

Let go of "Who You Think You're Supposed to Be" and "Embrace Who You Are". Engage from a place of worthiness. CULTIVATE more of your wholehearted living. Check it out now. Limited to 15.

Bonus: You can bring a friend for 50% off.

Either way, please take the assessment.

I would be honored to support you. Sign up for a free 30 minute support session:

Be Bold, Be True, Be You


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