Subject: How to enjoy your life.

How to enjoy your life.

July 27th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

Not just survive it. This is how to enjoy your life. As you know, I teach a simple, powerful method to help you dare to love yourself in your moments of decision. Why have I chosen to do this? Because what I've learned over my 26 years of working ...

Do this instead.

July 20th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

It'll work much better! You are receiving this message because at some point you set up an account at my website  and requested to be contacted. Thank you for that! If you no longer wish to receive this weekly email from me ...

This isn't helping you!

July 13th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

Stop doing it. Feelings 101 I often say to people, “Just stay with your feelings. Don’t try to avoid them—let yourself feel them.” Then they gaze at me blankly. There should be a class in elementary school called ‘How to be human’, becau ...

Don't deny it!

July 6th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

Allow it instead. It's ok to feel A defining characteristic of being human is feeling LOTS of feelings. And some of them are not very comfortable... So we judge them as 'bad' and do everything we can to shut them down or make them go away. We eat, b ...