Subject: Would you read this?

Would you read this?

May 25th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

I'd love your input. Onto the next exciting step!!! You know when you read the back of a book and it makes you go, Meh. Not for me I don't want that to happen with my new book. Because it's SO powerful and I don't want you to miss out on it. I've ...

Guess what's coming...?

May 18th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

Exciting news! I'm so excited!!! You may or may not know this... But I've been working on a new book for a long time now, years actually... Many, many, maaaany hours of writing and editing and rethinking (all of which I completely adore, by the way ...

Yes, even you.

May 11th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

It's for everyone. No matter what. No one is excluded from the idea of loving yourself and following your own Truth—no matter what. Our human world is wonderful in many ways, but it’s not fair and it’s not always kind or easy. Some people have ...

How to accept yourself.

May 4th, 2022 at 10:15 am MDT

An important message from me to you. An important question... I have a question for you. And I really want you to think about it. Are you ready? Here it is. What if everything about you is OK? What if there isn’t anything that you need to change? ...