Subject: You are invited… Save the date!

It’s here! It’s finally here!


Finally, finally my book is ready for youuuu!!! Aaaah! I’m so excited to be able to share it with you. 

What a journey it has been to get to this point. Whew. Challenging and satisfying.

And I did it by asking, ‘If I loved myself’, the WHOLE way! 

Now it’s time for my book’s birthday party and I'd like to invite you!

If you are in Cape Town on Sunday 29 January between 2-4pm, please come.

It's going to be so special.

Add your name to the guest list HERE so that I know you'll be attending.

My wonderful friend Nicole Mansour, who is a Mindfulness-based Integral Coach and a How to Love Yourself practitioner, will join me onstage to interview me about the book and my process and do that thing she does that leads to amazingness.

I’ll read out some of my favourite sections from the book, maybe take you through a little transformational process, and of course answer all your questions and comments!

We're even going to have some prizes and giveaways to add to the fun. 

You are welcome to invite as many friends as you like while there's still space, but make sure you each fill in the RSVP form so that I have a good idea of numbers for catering and seating. Just forward this email or send the link to them. 

Click here to join us on Sunday 29th

If you are NOT in Cape Town, and you're reading this and feeling FOMO, don't worry!!

I'm not leaving you out. I'm doing a live online launch especially for you!

And Nicole will be there too - and we'll do more prizes and giveaways.

Click HERE to get your invitation link to the online launch. 

This is going to be FUN!!! I am so grateful to have reached this point.

If you loved yourself, how would you choose to have fun now?

You can pre-order your Kindle copy now!

My new book is available for pre-order on Kindle! Even though it will only be launched on 29th January 2023, if you order your Kindle version now, it will arrive in your Kindle account on launch day. So you'll literally be first to receive it as soon as it's launched! Isn't that amazing? I'm SO excited!!!!

Pre-order it HERE

(The paperback version cannot be pre-ordered. It will only be available on launch day.
And yes, I'm working on an audiobook version too!)

I send you this I Love Myself Letter every Wednesday morning so that in the middle of the week you get a loving reminder to listen to your own Truth and ask yourself the Love Question!

     If someone forwarded this to you and you'd like to receive this letter weekly to get support and encouragement to look after yourself in your choices, click  HERE

For lots more memes, videos, challenges and conversations with like-minded people who are also learning to do this, join me on my social media.

Who is Eilat Aviram?

Eilat is a Daring Decisions Teacher. For the past twenty-six years she has been passionately helping people DARE to make the choices they actually want to make.

A clinical psychologist, best-selling author, speaker, hypnotherapist and energy-healing teacher, she works with groups, individuals, organisations and healthcare professionals around the world teaching a simple and powerful method for making good, self-loving decisions that satisfy both the mind and heart and benefit the greater community.

Her best-selling book ‘If You Loved Yourself, What Would You Do Now?’ is available on Amazon, Kindle, Audible, Loot and Exclusive Books. Her much-awaited new book 'You Have Permission to Exist' is launching in January 2023.

You can contact Eilat and find her books and free resources on her website

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