Subject: When you try...and fail 😔

How do you love yourself then?

How do you love yourself after you fail?

When I was younger, I was so scared of failing that I wouldn't even try something if I wasn't sure I'd be good at it.

That's a very limiting way to live life.

We often tie our self-worth to our success so, when we fail, it seems like our value drops.

Which is very scary.

And also, nonsense.

But still, we believe it and it's why we're afraid to put ourselves out there...

And why we don't want to look like we're trying too hard...

Because what if we try and then we fail?

That would be embarrassing. And shameful. and pathetic. And would probably mean something is wrong with you... because how come everyone else is getting it right but you aren't...?!


We're so horrible to ourselves.

When a child is learning to walk, we expect failure. We don't get upset at a toddler who falls on her bum. We laugh and clap for her because she tried. Then we joyfully encourage her to try again.

A LOT of failing happens on the road to learning ANYTHING.

Failing only means you are learning.

That's all.

So if you applied for the job and didn't get it.

You bravely offered your workshop and the only response was the chirping of crickets.

You have another failed relationship under your belt.

Your child hates you.

You still don't have money.

You find yourself divorced.

You health is failing.

Try to see yourself as a child who is learning.

Laugh and clap for yourself and encourage yourself to get up and try again.

It only means you are learning.

That vicious self-judgement is not going to help you.

it's not making you feel loved and cared for.

You have worth no matter what.

Your value is inherent.

It doesn't rely on whether you fail or succeed.

So, please look at your 'failures' and ask yourself,

"If I loved myself, if I looked at myself as a cherished young child who is learning, what would I say to myself about this now?"

Therapist, doctor, coach, nurse… you have a chance to be with a group who will help you cherish yourself in a practical daily way.

PLEASE join this transformational journey. You will learn how to start loving yourself and stop being so hard on yourself.

Life will feel much better, your family will be happier, your clients and patients will benefit!

 DON’T MISS THIS! Click here now.

 Please forward this mail to any therapist, coach, doctor, nurse, healer you care about.


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35 CPD points [including 5 Ethics] from HPCSA
38 CCE from ICF

I send you this "I love myself" letter every Wednesday morning so that in the middle of the week you get a loving reminder to listen to your own Truth and ask yourself the Love Question!

     To receive this weekly I Love Myself Letter, click  HERE

Available on  Amazon Audible and Kindle, Exclusive Books Online,  or buy the ebook or audiobook directly from my website

For lots more memes, videos, challenges and conversations with like-minded people who are also learning to do this, join me on my social media.

Who is Eilat Aviram?

Eilat is a Daring Decisions Teacher. For the past twenty-five years she has been passionately helping people DARE to love themselves in the choices they make.

A clinical psychologist, best-selling author, speaker, hypnotherapist and energy-healing teacher, she works with groups, individuals, organisations and healthcare professionals around the world teaching a simple and powerful method for making good, self-loving decisions that satisfy both the mind and heart and benefit the greater community.

Her best-selling book ‘If You Loved Yourself, What Would You Do Now?’ is available on Amazon, Kindle, Audible, Loot and Exclusive Books Online.

You can find Eilat's books and free resources on her website

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