Subject: I almost burst with frustration!

I thought I'd explode!

Eight months ago, yes MONTHS, I finally got myself together to record my audiobook.

I was so excited and proud of myself for getting to that point.


People had been asking me for ages if I could do one because nowadays it’s so much fun to be able to listen your favourite books. 

It’s not surprising we love audiobooks so much. Storytelling is our ancient way - we have always gathered around the fire and shared collective journeys in our imaginations. In pre-television times, families would gather around the wireless to share this experience.

Listening to stories is magical, so I was thrilled to make my book a listening experience; to tell you stories from my own life and my clients… take you on a journey closer to your inner truth…

But as always, on the road to The Next Step, the first thing I met was a huge learning curve.

How do I use the microphone, headset, recording equipment, what is the best way to speak the words…?

Then came hours and hours of sitting in a quiet space reading aloud, imagining you listening to it…picturing myself reading it to you in person…

It was magical. And a little scary. Because nothing is ever as perfect as you want it to be, right?

Here's me and my homemade sound booth.

Once it was recorded, off it went to the sound engineer to be cleaned up and organised into chapters and sound files and then finally, finally, with great excitement, I submitted it to Audible, intending to have it ready for you on my website and various other outlets within weeks.

I trumpeted my news on Instagram and Facebook. People were excited to get it…



Big fat butt!

I couldn’t make it available on the platforms!

Despite all my efforts, my website wasn’t ready, Audible took MONTHS, I’m not joking, to get back to me to say there was a technical error and then I fixed that and resubmitted it and MONTHS more passed. I thought I might explode with frustration.

You know, when things don’t go the way you planned...

when the wind is taken out of your sails...

when you are ready to go but your car dies...

when your child suddenly needs the toilet and you miss the quiet gap in traffic…

when you plan something so carefully and it means a lot to you and then the whole thing falls apart…

It’s tempting to lose hope and give up.

It's tempting to get angry and frustrated and complain bitterly and believe that maybe you just can’t do it.

That life will never be what you want it to be.

That it’s unrealistic for you to follow your dreams.

That you shouldn’t hope for things to get better…


That moment of frustration and fear and pain is a HUGE opportunity.

It’s a moment of choice.

And choices are the building blocks of your life.

Each choice you make leads to the next experience you have and the next choices you face.

So after muttering and grumbling about having gotten everything ready only to have to wait, after feeling completely frustrated and powerless to make things the way I wanted them, I realised I was facing a choice and I asked myself the Love Question.

“If I loved myself, what would I choose to say to myself about this now?”

Well, it was immediately obvious to me that pushing harder and tantruming were only making me feel worse. And they weren’t shifting anything anyway…

And my answer came.

“If I loved myself, I would take a deep breath and let go of trying to control it and just wait and trust and see what happens.”

And nothing dramatic happened. Nothing was immediately resolved externally



Big fat but,

I immediately felt release inside me. I calmed. My body tension eased and I spontaneously took a deep relaxing breath. 

I had lovingly stepped in to hold my hand and be with me in this trying moment and it felt good to have myself with me.

Asking the Love Question brings you home to yourself again and again.

And the answer will always be unique to you and the moment you are in.

So I calmed, and waited and now, finally, finally, my audiobook is available.

You can find it and a free sample on my website, on Audible, on Kobo and most other platforms.

Click here for the storytelling journey into loving yourself more in your work, food, health, money, sex, parenting….

There's a Black Friday special of 20% OFF on the Kindle and Paperback versions on Amazon. Until 29th November.

I send you this "I love myself" letter every Wednesday morning so that in the middle of the week you get a loving reminder to listen to your own Truth and ask yourself the Love Question!

For lots more memes, videos, challenges and conversations with like-minded people who are also learning to do this, join me on my social media.

     To receive this weekly I Love Myself Letter, click  HERE

How on earth are you supposed to deal with lockdowns and this virus and all the changes that are going on in the world?!

Join Eilat for a gentle journey of

Available on  Amazon and KindleExclusive Books Online,  or buy the ebook or audiobook directly from my website

Who is Eilat?

Eilat Aviram is a clinical psychologist, best-selling author, speaker, and teacher who has been passionately helping people awaken to possibilities for twenty-four years.

She works with groups, individuals and organisations around the world teaching a simple and powerful method for making good decisions that satisfy both the mind and heart and benefit the greater community.

Her best-selling book ‘If You Loved Yourself, What Would You Do Now?’ is available on Amazon, Kindle, Loot and Exclusive Books Online.

You can contact Eilat at and find her books and free resources on her website

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