Subject: Can you change it?

Yes! But how?

Is it possible to change yourself or things in your life?

I was awed as I listened to them talk in the group this past week.

I'm a therapist and healer. I've been working with people for 27 years now. Personal transformation, change and healing is my game, and yet...

As I listened to the way they were speaking...

Their confidence, their wisdom, their comfort in the courageous choices they are now making with their partners and children, their clients and health...

I felt humbled. Like I was a student with a group of wise teachers.

And then I thought of how, when they first joined my practitioner's course, they didn't feel confident in themselves and how they used to consistently make exhausting, disempowering choices for themselves - and it was like that was a different group of people.

But they aren't. It's the very same group. All that's happened is that they threw off the beliefs and stories and limitations that were covering their truth and their wisdom.

And now, their wisdom and truth is shining for all to see and benefit from.

And they are so much happier and content in their lives.

I found myself literally shaking my head in amazement as I sat there listening to them.

Even though I KNOW it's possible, and even though I've witnessed this many times already, it's still like a miracle to me to see the transformation that can take place when we let go of our stories of limitation.

When we give ourselves permission to exist.

Whatever you have going on in your life right now, no matter how trapped you feel in a situation, or how scared you are to make the changes you long to make...

I'm here to tell you, it's possible to change things.

It's really a matter of taking it one tiny little choice at a time.

And listening to your inner guidance.

I have seen it over and over and over.

It's possible and YOU can do it.

I believe in you.

Just ask yourself in any confusing moment,

If I loved myself, what would I choose to do now?

And LISTEN to the quiet whisper that arises within you.

If you are a doctor, therapist, coach or healer, registration for my practitioner's course closes in 5 days.

This course is only opening once this year.

If you want to transform your life as these practitioners have done, right now is your chance.

Click HERE to find out more. 

Scholarships are available - check the FAQ on the webpage for details.

Please forward this email to any doctors, therapists, coaches and healers you want to empower.

Just reply to this mail if you have any questions.

I send you this I Love Myself Letter every Wednesday morning so that in the middle of the week you get a loving reminder to listen to your own Truth and ask yourself the Love Question!

     If someone forwarded this to you and you'd like to receive this letter weekly to get support and encouragement to look after yourself in your choices, click  HERE

My best-sellers are available on Amazon, Kindle, Audible, Loot, Exclusive Books. or directly from my website HERE.

In South Africa, Cape Town peeps can get it directly from me at my practice (email me) or your favourite bookstore. Or  CLICK HERE to order the paperback directly from my distributors. They have free delivery for orders over R400.

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Who is Eilat Aviram?

Eilat is a Daring Decisions Teacher. For the past twenty-seven years she has been passionately helping people DARE to make the choices they actually want to make.

A clinical psychologist, best-selling author, speaker, hypnotherapist and energy-healing teacher, she works with groups, individuals, organisations and healthcare professionals and speaks on stages around the world teaching a simple and powerful method for making good, self-loving decisions that satisfy both the mind and heart and benefit the greater community.

Her best-selling books ‘If You Loved Yourself, What Would You Do Now?’ and 'You Have Permission to Exist' are available on Amazon, Kindle, Audible, Loot and Exclusive Books.

To invite Eilat to be a speaker at your event, join a course or find her books and free resources, go to

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