Subject: A magic trick to shift doubt!

Don't miss this.

This technique helped me make a tough choice

The other day I woke up and KNEW I needed to go easy.

It was just one of those low-energy days.

I'd been really busy that week and hadn't slept well but I still had SO much on my plate and deadlines were approaching fast but I was tired and emotional and stressed.

I knew from past experience that if I pushed myself in this state, it wasn't going to go well...

Not for my emotions, not for my productivity, not for my health, not for my relationships...

BUT I wasn't sure how to go easy when I had so much to do... I stood frozen that morning trying to decide what to do.

Do I go slow and maybe miss some deadlines or just get on with it and get everything done on time?

I asked the Love Question and knew that if I loved myself I would go as gently as I needed to...

But HOW could I do that when the consequences were so unpleasant?

That's when I used the magic tool I teach you in the free video below.

It flipped my doubt into clarity.

When I used the Doubt Flipper, it was like two paths opened up before my eyes showing me my future and I saw clearly what would happen from each choice facing me.

In that moment after I used the question, my choice became obvious to me. I realised that nothing was more important than listening to what I need in that moment. I knew what I needed to do and suddenly found myself with the absolute determination and courage to be able to do it.

And I did. I took it easy that morning and then I felt rested and looked after AND miraculously managed to get almost all my tasks done.

And the ones I had to delay, turned out to not be so urgent after all anyway.

I want you to have this freedom and clarity too.

If you haven't watched my free video gift yet, do it now before it goes away.

In it, I take you through how to use the Doubt Flipper on your own current dilemma.

CLICK HERE for your FREE magic ride through The Doubt Flipper.

Please share this free gift widely. Forward this email to friends and family. It's a tool everyone should have.

Here's the link again

Click on it, sign in and flip your doubt into clarity.

Last week I said I'm going to offer a once-off workshop that Ive called

The Doubt Demolisher on 30th October 2021

This free video is a taster of what the workshop will be like.

It's a nibble of the freedom that comes from demolishing doubt.

Sign up for the workshop and join me live on Zoom
on Saturday 30th October 2021.

I send you this "I love myself" letter every Wednesday morning so that in the middle of the week you get a loving reminder to listen to your own Truth and ask yourself the Love Question!

For lots more memes, videos, challenges and conversations with like-minded people who are also learning to do this, join me on my social media.

     To receive this weekly I Love Myself Letter, click  HERE

How on earth are you supposed to deal with lockdowns and this virus and all the changes that are going on in the world?!

Join Eilat for a gentle journey of

Available on  Amazon and KindleExclusive Books Online,  or buy the ebook or audiobook directly from my website

Who is Eilat?

Eilat Aviram is a clinical psychologist, best-selling author, speaker, and teacher who has been passionately helping people awaken to possibilities for twenty-four years.

She works with groups, individuals and organisations around the world teaching a simple and powerful method for making good decisions that satisfy both the mind and heart and benefit the greater community.

Her best-selling book ‘If You Loved Yourself, What Would You Do Now?’ is available on Amazon, Kindle, Loot and Exclusive Books Online.

You can contact Eilat at and find her books and free resources on her website

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