September 18th, 2011 at 4:32 am EDT


Preparing for the IELTS Exam

To help you better understand the requirements of sitting an IELTS exam and also the best ways to prepare for the test, I have written an e-book. This book is attached to this message. I suggest you read this book as soon as possible so that you can start to put into practice the valuable advice that is enclosed. In addition the book gives you links to my website to help you with the specific parts of the test that you wish to prepare for.

Key Advice

Well, the equation for your learning is time x effectiveness, so the first thing you are going to want to do is devote a lot of time to your study.




Research shows that regular study is more effective than infrequent large chunks of study and this is a big reason why online study is a good choice. So try to find frequent opportunities for study, even if the time is short. In my personal efforts to learn Chinese I have found novel ways to learn amidst my hectic teaching schedule. Some of the things I did include reading on buses, listening to mp3s while doing housework, watching Chinese movies and doing language exchanges.



The effectiveness of your learning can be influenced by many factors and research shows that we have individual differences in our learning styles. What it all boils down to is that you need to find what works best for you personally. Some suggestions I would make would be to try to make your learning enjoyable, use different media (reading, listening, visual media), use a variety of activities, and be focused on your study – don’t try to study whilst watching T.V.!


Don't forget the E-Book to help you prepare for your IELTS is attached to this message!
Site Features

1. Key information about the IELTS exam

2. Skills and strategies for passing  the IELTS exam

3. Past questions from IELTS exams

4. Samples of IELTS style questions

5. Submit your IELTS essay and receive valuable feedback on your mistakes and how to avoid them

6. Practice speaking over Skype

7. Read my blog to gain key insight about the IELTS exam