Subject: Friend FREE Colorist Mixer 👻🎃 this month


This Mixer is free! Thanks to CSI, iColorist and it's sponsors.

It’s at your place! The event will be held on Zoom, so make your favourite cocktail and find a comfy spot.
PLEASE NOTE: this event will be recorded. By joining you are consenting to be recorded.

Date & Time
Saturday Oct 23th, 12-4pm PDT/UTC-7

(3pm New York / 4pm Rio / 8pm London / 9pm Berlin/ 12:30am Mumbai)

Save the date


Dec 4th 4pm Central European time online

Tickets will go live soon

This will be a 6+hr event with

 6 talks ,  2 quizzes ,  2 social hours  &  thousands of dollars of prizes

Make a note in your calendar now


*Prizes & guests to be announced soon*

(Subject to change)            

Two Hollywood colorists ask the big questions

What is the colorist's role in film? Why isn't it more recognised?


- Quiz -

Film trivia with prizes to be won


Tech Chat

What's new? What do we forecast for '22? What do we want to see?


- Fancy dress prizes -

Who's got the scariest costume - physical or VFX?


Social Time & Breakout Rooms

Party room - Sala española - Tech chat - & more

For a taste of what's in store:

Our sponsors include:

Colorist Mixer is a Colorist Society International (CSI) event organised by iColorist - International Colorist Academy. CSI is primarily funding this event, with support from sponsors.

CSI is a not-for-profit organization set up for the benefit of the colorist community. Membership is open to professional colorists, editor/colorists, DITs, telecine operators, color timers, finishers, restoration artists, and color scientists. Find out more > 

iColorist is the original and most prominent professional training organization in the post industry, founded to help colorists across the world advance the craft.

It exists to preserve and pass on decades of hard-earned industry knowledge and share innovations - across the art, science, and business of color.

We’ve helped over 10,000 people advance their skills - our highly qualified instructors have over 200 years of color grading and color science experience. Find out more >

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