Subject: Always in Process

Always in Process

April 15th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

Joy is always in process. It's under construction. It is in constant approach, alive and well in the doing of what we're fashioned to do. ~Matthew McConaughey, actor, visionary, b.11/4/1969 A Simple TruthChoose a positive attitude of gratitude, and ...

Writing Your Future + Prompt

April 14th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

Yesterday we talked about changing your story (unless it’s a good story that’s working for you and helping you thrive). Even then, we all have some form of limiting belief to push through and beyond. In order to change our old story, we need to w ...

Change Your Story

April 13th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

Sorry for the accidental send of this last night! 😲Resending this a.m. to keep with the daily consistency. 💜 You are a creator. You have the power to create the life you love. If you're not there yet, it's time to change your story.  The best ...

Change Your Story

April 12th, 2021 at 11:17 pm EDT

You are a creator. You have the power to create the life you love. If you're not there yet, it's time to change your story.  The best stories aren’t written easily. They’re wrought and fought into existence, day after day. But they are oh so wor ...


April 12th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

“The antidote to self pity and negative thinking is gratitude. Find something to be grateful for… the roof over your head, food in your stomach and the fortitude to continue executing on your goals.”~Jay Samit, serial entrepreneur, investor, au ...

It's Not Personal

April 11th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

If you've ever been slighted, betrayed, wronged or hurt by another, it helps to realize that it's not personal. I used to take other people’s dishonesty personally. Their slights and judgements; their rejection. Until I realized that only pain can ...

From a 10 y/o Creator

April 10th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

If you have goals then you can grow up and be more than you were. ~Karolina Protsenko, artist, singter, violinist, age 10 “When you follow your dreams and love what you’re doing, it’s all fun and sweet.”~Karolina Protsenko, artist, singter, ...

Deficits Deployed

April 9th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

Transmutation of Weakness to StrengthYour weaknesses can become your strengths.  It's just about building new pathways in your brain. Put them to work for you, instead of against you. Daily effort strengthens the pathways and turns your brain into a ...


April 8th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

Practice over perfection. Progress over passivity. Positivity over negativity. Wins.~LeAura Alderson,® What “win” does today’s quote bring to mind for you? If you are making progress, you are winning.  If not, you’re only o ...

Day 7 of 7 Day Creative Challenge

April 7th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT

Dear Creators, For those who participated in this 7 Day Creative Challenge, THANK YOU!I thoroughly enjoyed reading your shared thoughts and reflections. A few of you communicated by email including descriptions of drawings you created in addition to ...