Subject: Day 57 ~ Cognitive Restructuring of the Learner’s Mind ~ Q3 2018

Day 57 ~ Cognitive Restructuring of the Learner’s Mind ~ Q3 2018

August 26th, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 57 ~ Cognitive Restructuring of the Learner’s Mind ~ Q3 2018 "We grow stronger through ascending. Take the stairs. Rise into your vision of yourself." ~LeAura Alderson You’ve heard the term, “think positive”, also known as reframing. Cog ...

Day 56 - Do The Work of Your Heart - Q3 2018

August 25th, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 56 ~ Do the Work of Your Heart ~ Q3 2018 "Those who achieve their goals are those who can prioritize, organize and focus on getting things done." ~LeAura Alderson Most of us creatives tend to always have more on our ‘to do list’ than is huma ...

Day 55 ~ Best Slogan Generator for Your Brand ~ Q3 2018

August 24th, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 55 ~ Best Slogan Generator for Your Brand ~ Q3 2018 "Your slogan is what you—and your company—stand for." ~LeAura Alderson, Slogan generators are usually an automated app that will generate slogan ideas for you. You enter a f ...

Day 54 ~ Creative Workflow: Linear or Radial? ~ Q3 2018

August 23rd, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 54 ~ Creative Workflow: Linear or Radial? ~ Q3 2018 "We live and grow in a spiral universe, where, like the nautilus, growth is a radial and linear series of expansions and connections. This universal concept is known as The Golden Ratio." ~LeAur ...

Day 53 ~ Best Podcasts for Creators ~ Q3 2018

August 22nd, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 53 ~ Best Podcasts for Creators ~ Q3 2018 "When you elevate yourself, you also elevate those around you." ~LeAura Alderson We listen to podcasts when we're getting ready in the morning, when cooking, doing laundry, cleaning up, and when getting ...

Day 52 - The Artistry of Creative Cooking - Q3 2018

August 21st, 2018 at 11:03 pm EDT

Day 52 - The Artistry of Creative Cooking - Q3 2018 “A party without a cake is just a meeting.” ~Julia Child The artistry of creative cooking is a whole world of scrumptious, soul-satisfying delight. It's like painting but the colors also have f ...

Day 51 - Good Morning Quotes to Start Your Day Right! - Q3 2018

August 20th, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 51 - Good Morning Quotes to Start Your Day Right! - Q3 2018 “It’s a new day! Now go create the world you long for… the world that already exists within you.” ~LeAura Alderson Mornings are like nature in spring. They’re crazy busy — b ...

Day 50 - Hope you had a productive Sunday! - Q3 2018

August 19th, 2018 at 8:27 pm EDT

Day 50 - Hope you had a productive Sunday! - Q3 2018 "Daily doing beckons the creative muse." ~LeAura Alderson We had some technical issues with the article for this morning, so that will go out another day. We hope you had a productive Sunday! F ...

Day 49 ~ Morning Lark, Night Owl or Hummingbird? ~ Q3 2018

August 18th, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 49 ~ Morning Lark, Night Owl or Hummingbird?~ Q3 2018 "Morning Lark, Night Owl or Hummingbird? 20% of the population are morning larks, (wake up before 6 am without an alarm; to bed by 9 pm) 20% are night owls (often to sleep after 3am and up ar ...

Day 48 ~ Writing for SEO Mastermind ~ Q3 2018

August 17th, 2018 at 6:00 am EDT

Day 48 ~ Writing for SEO Mastermind ~ Q3 2018 One major theme we’ve been talking about a lot is helping authors, and any type of creator, monetize their websites through ads and affiliate revenues. To do this, you must consistently publish quality ...