Subject: iCreateDaily: Positive Words

iCreateDaily: Positive Words

January 6th, 2019 at 5:45 am EDT

iCreateDaily: Positive Words "As you are creating your thoughts, your thoughts are creating your life." ~LeAura Alderson, author, podcaster, entrepren ...

iCreateDaily: Do not stress about daily creating.

January 5th, 2019 at 5:44 am EDT

iCreateDaily: Do not stress about daily creating. To create is to tap into your reservoir of resilience and restore the very cells of your being with the light of ...

iCreateDaily: What You Focus on Grows

January 4th, 2019 at 5:45 am EDT

iCreateDaily: What You Focus on Grows "What you focus on, grows." ~Multiple authors A Garden Metaphor: How Does Your Garden Grow? What are you planti ...

iCreateDaily: Legacy of Your Life

January 3rd, 2019 at 5:45 am EDT

iCreateDaily: Legacy of Your Life Create Today. You. Create it. What is the legacy of a day..? Create daily and you are building the Taj Mahal of your ...

Day 2 ~ The Den of Daily Doing ~ Q1 2019

January 2nd, 2019 at 5:45 am EDT

Day 2 ~ The Den of Daily Doing ~ Q1 2019 A common creator’s dilemma is to have more ideas than time, and to subsequently feel overwhelmed and stuck. Another comm ...

Ready... Set... CREATE!

December 31st, 2018 at 2:29 pm EDT

Ready... Set... CREATE! We've created a free 30 Day Intuitive Art Challenge... And here are the details. :-) This is for artists of any kind, including writers, ph ...

7 R’s….Rest, Reflect, Recreate...

December 31st, 2018 at 5:45 am EDT

7 R’s….Rest, Reflect, Recreate... Now, as we conclude our reflections on the year and prepare to put 2018 to rest, remember to recreate to repleni ...

What restores your spirit?

December 30th, 2018 at 5:45 am EDT

What restores your spirit? "Arise with the sun, heart open to the promise of the day. Step into nature's rhythm. Feel its nurture in every bird's song, in every br ...

Day 90 ~ Wins, Gains, and Plans ~ Q4 2018

December 29th, 2018 at 5:47 am EDT

Day 90 ~ Wins, Gains, and Plans ~ Q4 2018 It is in the journey that you will find that which ignites your soul and illuminates your life. ~LeAura Ald ...

Day 89 ~ Be Your Own Hero ~ Q4 2018

December 28th, 2018 at 5:45 am EDT

Day 89 ~ Be Your Own Hero ~ Q4 2018 "Your destiny is ever the horizon before you. Head in the direction that will take you closer to the person you wish to become. ...