Forget perfect. Choose prolific over perfect. Get your work out there. The more you create the faster you innovate. ~LeAura Alderson,
Welcome Creators!!
We’re delighted that you’ve chosen to focus on your creative aspirations by joining us for this iCreateDaily 30 Day Creator’s Challenge beginning on Wednesday, May 1st, 2019.
That’s TOMORROW! So this is a “day before” email and prompt to help you prepare.
FIRST… a few important details.
DISCLAIMER: Recovering Perfectionists We’re a small team putting out a ton of content across our brands. As such, it’s rarely perfect, but we’re so over perfectionism, and recommend you get over it too! :-)
JUST SHIP! We’re big fans of Seth Godin’s “Ship it” approach, as well as the infamous quote by LinkedIn founder, Reid Hoffman:
"I've long believed that if you're not embarrassed by your first product release, you've released too late." ~Reid Hoffman, founder-LinkedIn
The point of Reid’s comment and Seth’s “ship it”, is not to be sloppy. Rather, it is to straddle the gap between perfectionism and rapid innovation, and above all, to not procrastinate doing the work that’s important to you.
We highly recommend you view your work in this way. Don’t post and apologize. Feel free to post works-in-progress labeled as such. You may also wish to share if you’re struggling with any aspect and folks will be glad to offer ideas.
Above all, we’re all evolving, growing, improving and sharing from whatever level we currently occupy. No criticism of self or others!
DAILY PROMPTS Your daily prompts will be in the Daily Prompts section of our regularly iCreateDaily daily email.
We are combining the prompts with the daily emails so that members who are on both lists won’t get two emails each day.
If on any given daily prompt, you’re not yet inspired with ideas of something to create, the supporting email content may help.
Our regular daily content is often a natural complement to the prompts and may help you immerse in the flow.
Please let us know if you have any questions at any time.
If you’ve done that already, please redo it or repaste that in this post so that we have all participating members gathered under the same welcome post.
Your posting in the FB group is the best way to help you stay accountable to your commitment to create daily.
GO YOU!! Congratulations for committing to this 30 day Creator Challenge. You will never regret creating consistently every day.
The Day is the Way.
LeAura & Devani Mother/daughter cofounders iCreateDaily™