Subject: iCreateDaily: Legacy of Your Life

iCreateDaily: Legacy of Your Life
Create Today. You. Create it.

What is the legacy of a day..? Create daily and you are building the Taj Mahal of your life’s legacy, one stone… one day at a time.  It is nothing and it is everything. To miss a day is nothing. It is not the missing that matters. It is the habit of creating daily that makes all the difference.

A few email format changes: 
  • For our main daily email, we're going to drop the Day/Quarter/Year from the subject
  • We'll instead use this new format - "iCreateDaily: Article/Content Title
  • For the challenges we run, we'll add the i_____Daily (iArtDaily, iWriteDaily etc) to the subject
We want to make it easy for you to identify which emails you're reading.  

Start. Sustain. Succeed! 

~ LeAura & Devani
The Day is The Way

Stay on top of your 2019 goals!
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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