Subject: What If?
What If?
April 21st, 2023 at 6:34 am EDTWhat If? What if we went through today as alchemists of the moment, ready, able and willing to transform each one? What if today we chose to become aware of any negative or fearful thought and as it enters our mind, we transform it into a positive? ...
Spiritual Journey
April 11th, 2023 at 5:55 am EDTNever underestimate the power of a moment. This moment. I am on a deeply sustaining and spiritual journey. Not religious. Spiritual. The time I used to dedicate to daily iCreateDaily posts for 5+ years, is now being allocated to this, (plus necess ...
Sweet Betsy Trillium
March 8th, 2023 at 5:55 am EDTGreetings! This is an example of the kinds of things I'm busy creating now for our gardening website. What are you creating this week? TRILLIUM - AN EARLY SPRING WILDFLOWERSharing an elegant woodland wildflower we've been visiting daily. Do you h ...
PART 5 — The Changing Landscape for Creators
February 19th, 2023 at 6:34 am EDTPART 5 — The Changing Landscape for CreatorsAn Attitude of Adventure “We are in a New Renaissance…An awakening…A quickening of consciousness and an urge to create.”~LeAura Alderson,® — AI image by Canva Toward this j ...
PART 4 - The Changing Landscape for Creators
February 17th, 2023 at 11:44 am EDTPART 4 - The Changing Landscape for CreatorsFEARLESS - The Creator Legacy Artists are fearless visionaries specializing in manifestation. As we enter this new era of an increasingly capable artificial intelligence, many of the things we do and ho ...
PART 3 - The Changing Landscape for Creators - by Creators
February 15th, 2023 at 5:55 am EDTPART 3 - The Changing Landscape for Creators Well... this was originally one email inspired by AI tools Devani was sharing and experimenting with. Then it morphed into 4 parts, and now it is 5 parts! I reduced yesterday's in half so that it wouldn' ...
PART 2 - The Changing Landscape for Creators - AI
February 14th, 2023 at 11:09 am EDTPART 2 - The Changing Landscape for CreatorsArtificial Intelligence (AI) - The Inevitable Future But FIRST… HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY❣️To my dear group of friends on this Valentine's Day,I want to express my love in a special way.You all bring ...
[PART 1] The Changing Landscape for Creators
February 13th, 2023 at 6:46 am EDTPART 1 - The Changing Landscape for Creators - Past Reflections Future Visioning GREETINGS FRIEND FELLOW CREATOR! This is the first in a 4-part series:Sunday, 2/12 — Past Reflections Future VisioningTuesday, 2/14 — Artificial Intelligence (AI) ...
Strong and Fierce
February 9th, 2023 at 9:50 am EDT“I admire strong and fierce people who use their privileges to uplift others.” ~Mama Cax, boundary breaking model, 1989-2019 When we feel our weakest… down… uncertain… fearful… whatever challenge is before us, we can INVOKE STRENGTH by ...
The Plight of Creators
February 5th, 2023 at 11:33 am EDTThe Plight of Creators Some creators experience the woeful plight of “artist block” (often depicted as the staring-at-a-blank-page writer’s block). However, a malady experienced equally — if not more so — by most creators is the challenge ...