Subject: The Price of Admission

The Price of Admission

August 16th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDT

Still Young

August 15th, 2022 at 6:27 am EDT

Still Young  Today is the youngest you will ever be.~Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady, diplomat, author, 1884-1962  A profound thought to ponder, especially whenever we think we are limited by age. Consider what advice your future self... say 10 year ...

Creation, Visioning, Manifestation

August 14th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDT

Creation, Visioning, Manifestation  Just this morning, (yesterday, by the time you’re reading this), I had a thought to share here on creators, creation, visioning, manifestation and LIFE! Then an hour or so later, Jaymee posted in the iCreateDai ...

The Answer

August 13th, 2022 at 6:19 am EDT

The Answer  The answer to every problem is present within the problem.~Paul Selig, clairaudient author, b.10/24/1961SOURCE: Beyond the Known: Realization book You may wish to reflect on this quote relative to a problem you may have, and see what m ...

A Mysterious Spiritual Power…

August 12th, 2022 at 6:36 am EDT

A Mysterious Spiritual Power… …available to anyone at any time. Sharing below, an email from Vishen Lakhiani, founder of MindValley, a phenomenally creative and spiritually oriented education platform:  This is a story of something inexplicab ...

Fine Feathered Friends

August 11th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDT

Fine Feathered Friends It’s almost 1 a.m., and for various reasons, I’m still awake after several attempts to sleep. So I took some natural remedies and opened my computer to get the day’s email ready and scheduled in case perhaps I'd be able ...


August 10th, 2022 at 6:12 am EDT

Do You Retreat? A week from today, I’ll be on my way to a 5 day retreat at an incredible location in the mountains of Boone, NC, with clairaudient author, Paul Selig, whose channeled works I often quote here. It will be my first away retreat in m ...

Your Progress

August 9th, 2022 at 6:13 am EDT

Your Progress Whenever you feel defeated, afraid, stuck or overwhelmed, just do one thing in the direction of progress. Just one positive action will begin to loosen the knot of stuckness and let in more energy for greater progress.  “There is n ...

Attracting More Good

August 8th, 2022 at 6:07 am EDT

Attracting More Good Living fully in the present through gratitude of this moment and steadily and persistently throughout the day sets forth a rhythm and a vibration that attracts more for which to be grateful.  The negative tapes of the past con ...

Follow-up to Fear and Phobia

August 7th, 2022 at 6:39 am EDT

A number of you indicated that yesterday’s post (email / FB post) was good timing for you… that it’s similar to some things you’re wrestling with. And yes… so much of who we are today is a product of our past, of this and other lives. The ...