Subject: Drink in the Joy
Drink in the Joy
March 31st, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTJoy of Spring Haiku Sweet smells on the breezeMy whole being awakensDrinking in much joy.~Jaymee Thompson, artist What a lovely turn of phrase! What if, each day, we flung open the door to drink in the joy?!? For more spring haiku contributions ...
Some Spring Haiku (it's never too late)
March 30th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTIt’s that time of year again! S P R I N G ❣️❣️❣️ It would be lovely to see your spring haiku (or other spring creations), and to add it to this article. Here are a few haiku from the tribe. You’re still welcome to share yours. And ...
Your Spring Haiku
March 29th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTSPRING IRIS HAIKU Iris greets the sun; once I see her I'm undone! Thankful come what may. ~Haiku by Susanna Holman, artist Share your spring haiku for publishing. ✍🏼👩🏼🎨👨🏼🎨🎨🎶☀️ PROMPT IDEA:Create and shar ...
Finding the Magic
March 28th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTThis is a beautiful 4:27 minutes of music and finding — and creating — the magic in the moment. ✍🏼👩🏼🎨👨🏼🎨🎨🎶☀️ PROMPT IDEA:FIND the magic in the moments of today. JOURNAL them as you observe and discove ...
Change Your Mind
March 27th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTChange Your Mind The fastest way to turn your day around is to change your mind about it.~LeAura Alderson, writer, editor, creator ® Choose a success state. ✍🏼👩🏼🎨👨🏼🎨🎨🎶☀️ PROMPT IDEA:W ...
Understanding Our Times
March 26th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTHappy Saturday! As you know, I don't share political or controversial things. BTDT.There are plenty of places to go for that. Like everywhere. However, I do believe in being objectively informed and aware. The times we are in are a normal part of ...
Dancing Devas
March 25th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTHappy Friday! Have you ever seen the Northern Lights in person? I imagine it would feel like some kind of spiritual experience, to be in the presence of such magnificence. Here are some examples from this month in Norway as shared on Twitter (tu ...
Your Broadcast Today
March 24th, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTThoughts are also vibration. So, as in yesterday’s email about the effect of music on our being, so too do our thoughts affect our being, our environment and those around us. We can rise to any occasion, and raise any occasion by the thoughts a ...
Music and Me
March 23rd, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTWhat a gift it is that most of us can access most any song we like at any moment of any day. Yesterday morning while editing and updating an article for our gardening website, my husband, Coleman, was in the other room having a couple of phone co ...
Highs and Lows
March 22nd, 2022 at 5:05 am EDTLIFE… The highs and lows,The joys and woesThe agonies and ecstasies Behold all the gifts in this precious Life!Moment by moment. Momentous. ✍🏼👩🏼🎨👨🏼🎨🎨🎶☀️ PROMPT IDEA:What does this bring to mind for yo ...