Subject: Stretching
July 27th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDTTo strive is to stretch beyond, and like stretching the body, stretching our capacity is immensely healthy. Stretching is to push beyond our present range, and yet not beyond what is possible. When we do this it releases endorphins into the system ...
July 26th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDTTogo Last night we watched the movie, Togo. It’s the true story of the Alaskan sled dog most responsible for the successful delivery of diphtheria serum to Nome, Alaska, in 1925, against all odds. I highly recommend it. And a box of tissues. When ...
July 25th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT“The only tyrant I accept in this world is the 'still small voice' within me. ”~Mahatma Gandhi, The Essential Gandhi Conscience is the medium of communication of the soul. The more we heed the voice of conscience, the more we find ourselves. T ...
PROMPT: Hummingbird Moth
July 24th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDTI’ve been working on our gardening website and a recent popular post was about the hummingbird moth. It’s such a LOVELY creature to see flitting about the flowers, I thought some of you artists might enjoy drawing it or writing about it via es ...
PROMPT: The Full Moon
July 23rd, 2021 at 5:05 am EDTFULL MOON PROMPT:Create something about the full moon… drawings, writings, observations of energies, nature, how you feel during this one, etc. THE FULL MOON EFFECTThe medical profession knows that there are more births, deaths and emergency roo ...
The Power of Friction
July 22nd, 2021 at 5:05 am EDTIn response to Tuesday’s email quote:“The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.”~Frances Willard, educator, temperance reformer, suffragist, author, 1839-1898 An iCD community member sa ...
July 21st, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT“Sometimes , said Miss Phillips, The thing you dread doing is the very thing you should do, just so you can stop thinking about it.”― Marci Shimoff, Chicken Soup for the Single's Soul Don’t dread. Embrace instead. CREATIVE PROMPT - should ...
Not Friction
July 20th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDT“The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.”~Frances Willard, educator, temperance reformer, suffragist, author, 1839-1898s We can convert friction and frustration into positive momentum. ...
It Isn’t What Happens
July 19th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDTWe can’t change what happens. But we can choose our thoughts about it. What we choose to think will determine our experience. It isn’t what happens… it’s how we think about what happens. The day is the way.☀️🌙 ⭐️ ~ LeAuraTransf ...
The Fastest Way...
July 18th, 2021 at 5:05 am EDTThe fastest way to turn your day around is to change your mind about it. That’s a success state of mind. The day is the way.☀️🌙 ⭐️ ~ LeAuraTransformation through creation.❤️🙏🏻🌹