Subject: I am eager...

I am eager...

April 5th, 2018 at 6:00 am EST

I am eager to jump out of bed to create today. If our art… the opportunity to create our art, does not pull us forward, it is either the wrong art, or, we need to jumpstart our creative engine through daily effort. Closing Quote: "Motivation is ...

The world needs your art.

April 4th, 2018 at 9:05 am EST

HAPPY WEDNESDAY :D Creators: Time to face your fears and your excuses and laugh them off their pedestal. The world needs your art. Take the bull by the horns… the dragon by the tail, and challenge your resistance to align with your mission rather ...

Immersion eliminates diversion

April 3rd, 2018 at 11:50 am EST

Immersion eliminates diversion. It’s time to dive in and swim in the sea of creativity that will produce the results that we want. Come on in. The water is wonderful! If you're not in the iCreateDaily for Creators FB Group, here's the link to join ...

Former Banker to Successful Freelance Writer, Eric Rosenberg

February 26th, 2018 at 7:51 am EST

Greetings, Creator! Welcome to a fresh new week to create, be inspired, and hone your craft! This is the best era in human history for creators. We’ve been remiss in keeping in touch! We’re in the early stages of getting our rhythms and systems i ...

New Years Day - Immune

January 1st, 2018 at 9:51 am EST

New Year’s Day - Immune "Be very suspicious of your excuses. They are out to undermine your success. Vision strengthens your immunity to excuses. Fortify yours." ~ LeAura Alderson To live for years without achieving your goals is to develop the ...