Subject: Your Inspired Writing

Your Inspired Writing

Notification just dropped in on the latest Julia Cameron book. 

Julia’s first book The Artist’s Way has inspired millions and I expect this new one will as well. So I’m sharing that here should you be interested in writing inspiration, and focusing on writing more, while improving your writing and habits around that.

Write for Life: Creative Tools for Every Writer (A 6-Week Artist's Way Program)

(These are my Amazon affiliate links).

Of course you don't need a book in order to write more. You just set aside the time to do so each day, and that daily practice will grow. However, inspiration from accomplished writers tends to be uplifting and helpful.

I would love to hear about your writing progress and focus, and to read your writing, should you care to share it in the iCreateDaily for Creators Facebook group in the comments of this post or in the group timeline on its own post.

Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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