Subject: You Are Also...

 “Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good.”

~Petrarch, early Italian Renaissance poet, scholar, humanist, 1304-1374



Yesterday, the focus was on the Love that You Are.


Today, we expand a little into the Light That You Are.


Your God wants you to know that you already are Love and Light. YOU are a Child of God and thus, you are also Divinity.


It’s not that we have to find ourselves or find our purpose as much as it is we have to remember ourselves and the souls that we ultimately are.


As we come to realize Who we really are… the dross and drama begin to steadily fall away like old clothing that no longer suits us, leaving us lighter and freer to soar with the angels on the wings of our soul… the solar angel that we are.


Even when we don’t feel angelic or worthy. Even if we’ve made mistakes. We are never not a child of God… by whatever name is most comfortable for you and whatever vehicle of spiritual expression.


You are not your body, not your feelings, not your eyes, but the Light that shines through the eyes. 


You are a Soul first. You are consciousness and compassion. You are Love and you are also Light.


Imagine remembering this every morning and as we get dressed and brush our hair, the finishing touch is to also don a symbolic crown of Light and envision wings upon our heart sending waves of Love with each beat of our heart. 


We can set the intention to behave as that Being… that birthright, and what a difference it will make.



Shall we step into that Light today?



Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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