Subject: Writing Rituals

What are your writing rituals? Comment in the iCreateDaily for Creators Facebook group or via Reply and we’ll add yours to this article.

If you have a social page, website or book you’d like us to link to, just include that with your reply along with a short few words bio, (e.g., My Name, artist, crafter; My Name, writer, poet; My Name, artist, photographer, etc.), and we’ll give tribute plus a link to your site. This is one great way to help grow traffic to your site.

 The simplest but most effective habit above all else is to write daily.
~LeAura Alderson,®

Don't Wait for Inspiration to Strike

If you have regular writing rituals then there's one thing you will know about that above all else: routine and rituals work.

The bricklayer who shows up each day, builds a wall. He knows that if he doesn't show up, the wall doesn't get built. Conversely, if he does show up to lay bricks each day, he makes steady and consistent progress.

Over time the bricks that become a wall, become a house. Similarly, the words that become a sentence... become a paragraph... become a chapter, to become a book over time, one day at a time.

Many writers wait for ideas to strike them before they sit down to write. If that's you, congratulations on the inspiration that's coming your way. But now.... Now that you’re getting serious about your art, it's time to invoke it at will!

To wait for inspiration to strike is like waiting to go to the gym once you're slim and fit. Consider these writing rituals and share yours too!


Please join us for the February iArtDaily Creativity Challenge. If you haven’t already signed up, you can do so here.

Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.

~ LeAura
The Day is The Way

CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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