Subject: Worrier to Warrior

Give the worrier mindset over to the warrior mindset and battle the shadows of doubt to oblivion.
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily®


Worry accomplishes nothing and serves no purpose. Evict worry and instead, welcome optimism at the Inn of Your Heart.

I have faith that creators will lead the way to beauty and light… that humanity is good at heart and that love and light and positive creativity shall prevail.

I believe in YOU… and you should too!

Remember… what we focus on grows.

Monday, 8/10/20 - Follow… Follow… Follow Your Dreams

Tuesday, 8/11/10 - Musings on Muses

Wednesday, 8/12/20 - Authentically You

Thursday, 8/13/20 - Beth’s Whitman Tanka

Friday, 8/14/20 - Because You Can

Saturday, 8/15/20 - Growing Through Our Words

The day is the way to create the life you want to live.

~ LeAura
Transformation through creation.

CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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