Subject: Why Conceptual Prompts

Halfway Day Greetings!

We’re two weeks into May and the 30 Day Creator’s Challenge!


We look forward to seeing your creations in the Creator's FB Group! 

Even if you're not participating in the challenge, 
you're always welcome to share what you're creating and up too!
"Conceptual prompts help us get to know ourselves
as hidden thoughts come to life."
~LeAura Alderson, cofounder-iCreateDaily

Our favorite kind of creative prompts are conceptual prompts. We favor conceptual prompts for a number of reasons.

Conceptual quotes nurture our thoughts to sprout into something more. For, after all, quotes are memes… “seed thoughts” to bigger ideas and concepts. 
Conceptual prompts provide ideas for you to develop into whatever you're inspired to create.

Conceptual Prompts Can:
  • Develop intuitive creativity
  • Help to develop intuition
  • Encourage your inner voice
  • Develop deeper thinking
  • Inspire reflection and contemplation
  • Be used for all mediums of creators and creativity

To learn more on the use of conceptual prompts for stimulating intuitive creativity, you can read the article-in-process, here (we’re still working on it, but the basics are there). (The audio file is not yet ready… should be be later today and we will send it out then).

(we’re merging these two for now)

We discovered this wonderful writer-artist-teacher today. What follows is an example of her exceptional creative and witty writing:
Book of Qualities, by J. Ruth Gendler.

A passage from Ruth’s Book of Qualities:

“I invited Intuition to stay in my house when my roommates went North. I warned her that I am territorial and I keep the herb jars in alphabetical order. Intuition confessed that she has a ‘spotty employment record.’ She was fired from her last job for daydreaming.

When Intuition moved in, she washed all the windows, cleaned out the fireplace, planted fruit trees, and lit purple candles. She doesn’t cook much. She eats beautiful foods, artichokes, avocados, persimmons and pomegranates, wild rice with wild mushrooms, chrysanthemum tea. She doesn’t have many possessions. Each thing is special. I wish you could see the way she arranged her treasures on the fireplace mantle. She has a splendid collection of cups, bowls, and baskets.

Well, the herbs are still in alphabetical order, and I can’t complain about how the house looks. Since Intuition moved in, my life has been turned inside out.”

~J. Ruth Gendler, The Book of Qualities

Create the life you want to live, one day at a time.

~ LeAura & Devani
The Day is The Way

CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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