Subject: ☮️✌🏼Where Peace Begins 🕊️☮️

Where Peace Begins

There is no perfect relationship, perfect job, perfect life, by the white picket fence, Father Knows Best standards.

There is however, perfect acceptance of whatever is. For everyone in our lives who challenge our patience and our love, we can remember that we are all perfectly imperfect students in the classroom of life.

We can have peace through patience, through love and through understanding that everyone… EVERY SINGLE ONE of us is here to learn and grow through our challenges.

At this point in humanity’s evolution, for most of us, our greatest growth comes through learning to be at peace through the challenges, not because everything is going great.

We are rarely challenged to grow when life is easiest. Like how we can’t get fit sitting in the easy chair. It takes the friction of resistance to keep our bodies strong, and the friction of resistance to develop our greater capacity to love and for the ‘peace that passeth understanding.’

By cultivating self acceptance and forgiveness within ourselves, we also generate a greater capacity to express it for others.

In this we are creators creating peace and bringing it wherever we go, through our beingness. Peace begins within through acceptance of self, in all our imperfections… and especially those, as well as the same for others.

Self acceptance is my refusal to be in an adversarial relationship with myself.

~Nathaniel Branden, Canadian-American psychotherapist and writer, 1930-2014

Peace ever begins within us.

Transformation through creation.
 ☀️🌙 ⭐️

 ~ LeAura

The day is the way.

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