Subject: What the Guides Say

Restful Labor, Creator, on this Labor Day Monday!


As stated in Friday’s email:

When your work is in sync with passion and purpose, it becomes your life… a very fulfilling life. Energy and focus increase into a rhythm of mellow intensity, sustained by purpose.


It is entirely possible to increase our pace and intensity, while relaxing and mellowing into our sense of self, purpose, knowing and wisdom. The paradoxical distinction is focus.


Not only is it possible, it is the destiny that beckons. With maturing comes the grace to relinquish the dramas and embrace the graceful dance with divinity… to tune into and amp up!


The Guides say you can’t be the light and hold another in darkness.” 

~Paul Selig, spiritual medium, author

SOURCE: Paul Selig With Aubrey Marcus - The Truth Of Who You Are

Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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