I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.~William Ernest Henley, poet, 1849-1903Malleable Monday, Creator!Today’s quote ties in beautifully with the
Personality Isn’t Permanent concept featured this past week, of how we are all malleable personalities capable of transformation.
No matter the past or the stormy present, no matter the labels layered upon you, you are free to decide the future you wish to create. It is simply the determination to head in that direction daily through the choices you make and the actions you take.
it is never too late to improve upon today.Do not get swept up in the maelstrom of the day. Seek solace and strength in the haven of your budding aspirations, and let that vision pull you into your future.
Focus on that which inspires and empowers you. The more you elevate yourself the more you elevate your life and those around you.
Our ultimate creative act is to discover that we’re fully capable of creating the life we wish to live… unconquered, undaunted... Invictus.