Subject: To Know the Light

To Know the Light


“Those that will call you to darkness are actually teaching you 

to know the light.

~Paul Selig, clairaudient medium, author, Book of Mastery, b.10/24/1961

In other words, do not let the news — be it world news or family news — rock you off center.

Don’t let negativity call you into its orbit. 

Instead, you can focus on finding your own light amidst the darkness… the positive amidst the negative… the joy instead of suffering… the gratitude instead of disappointment.

Gratitude for blessings, multiplies them.


Share some of your lessons in light.

Create whatever comes to mind in your preferred medium.



Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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