To build a bridge is to begin construction on both sides of the chasm simultaneously.
Our goal is on the other side of the chasm from where we are. We begin building where we are with what we have.
The two most power tools? Creativity and enthusiasm. Creativity and enthusiasm are almost magical in their ability to transform, renew and regenerate.
We build the bridge toward our dreams by the enthusiasm with which we live our lives, wherever we are and whatever we’re doing.
Bring It! When we cannot be doing what we love, we can bring love and enthusiasm to whatever we’re doing.
And… as we create daily from where we are with what we have, the bridge is being built on each side... our future goal is a reflection of our present effort.
As we build daily the universe echoes that effort.
Our actions here are building our present and our future simultaneously, even when we can’t see it or imagine it. Even when the way is obscure.
We are not our tasks or activities. We are what we bring to it… to any “it” that we engage.
It isn't about what we do, it is about what we bring to whatever it is we do. Hoping you have an AWESOME day!
The day is the way to create the life you want to live. ☀️🌙 ⭐️ ~ LeAura Transformation through creation. ❤️🙏🏻🌹