Subject: The Great Transformer


What to do with intense feelings?




The following excerpts are on the transmutation of intense feelings through the alchemy of creation from an incredible creator sharing love and consciousness through his art.


The greatest intimacy is Truth.

~Jason Mraz, singer-songwriter



Jason Mraz - 3 Minutes on Love and Creation


“Sometimes I can be very, very nervous saying (that truth), but if I turn to poetry and music, it’s almost as if I have permission to really have time to formulate my words… speak from the heart.”


“Or there’s a new lesson that I learned and I use songwriting to really dial it in and define it for myself.”


“I had to learn what I got, and what I’m not, and who I am.”

~Jason Mraz, singer-songwriter  in I Won’t Give Up


“So most songs, you know, are there to honor relationship, whether those relationships are meant to last, or I’m just looking for closure.”



The greatest transformer is the portal of the heart, through which energy is purified, rarified, and sanctified.

We are the alchemists of Light and Love.



Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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