Subject: Survey Results & Plans for Next Challenge

Survey Results & Plans for Next Challenge

Today, Karen asked what happens after this January 30-day challenge.

As you can imagine, that’s what we’ve been talking about, contemplating and planning

We asked you, and many of your answered. If you haven’t yet responded, here’s that first survey link. 

Relative to the question of would you like more creator challenges and if so, what kind, here are the results thus far:

Re: How often, most folks we polled wanted a challenge (in this order of preferences):
  • 42% Quarterly 
  • 8% Monthly
  • 2% Yearly

Re: What kind, here were the top preferences of our group thus far:
  • 54% Writing
  • 46% Visual Art

The Current Plan for iCreateDaily Challenges
While this group is still relatively small, we won’t yet host different kinds of challenges for the different mediums of visual and written arts.

6 Challenges per Year
So… our current plan is to host a challenge every other month, so 6 per year on the odd numbered months.

Eventually, these will be broken down into more niched mediums, such as sketching month, watercolor, poetry, fiction, non-fiction months, etc.

For now, these will be grouped by
  • Art - Visual arts
  • Writing - Written arts

Join in Any Time
However, as with this first iArtDaily challenge, creators of all kinds have joined in together. So even though our next challenge in March is a writing challenge, if you’re a visual artist and want to do more challenges, you’re most welcome to join in and post your work.

All creators are welcome for any challenge. It’s just that our focus will be on the writing medium and prompts during writing months.

Current Months - Challenges Planned - in planning
  • January - Art
  • March - Writing
  • May - ???
  • July - Art
  • September - Writing
  • November - Gratitude

The Benefit of Cross Pollination
Having a variety of creators inspires ideas. Folks have noticed that poets have been inspired to try visual arts and visual artists have been inspired to pen more prose.

Artists of one medium have been inspired to try others. For these reasons, we think it’s really cool to have all kinds of creators participating and sharing. Remember, the Apple computer company was inspired by calligraphy, so inspiration from outside our genres and familiar forms is creatively beneficial.

Later, as the group grows, we can segment challenges further. Future plans are to include experts in each area to offer instructions, some will come from within this group. But first and foremost, it will be to serve the interests of the members of this group.

What Happens After this Current Challenge?
This group stays here available to all who have joined even beyond the challenges. So please feel free to post your work and stay active as much or as little as you wish in between challenges.

We will continue to publish daily email content to encourage and support you in your creative goals. That’s the daily creating journey we’ve been on since we began the first group challenge on September 5th, 2017, 504 days.

Thank you for your participation! 

~ LeAura & Devani 
CALADANA Publishing, DBA MyTrainerFitness LLC, 5164 Reidsville Rd., Ste 217,, 27051, Walkertown, United States
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