The road to success is paved with failure. ~Multiple authors
Facing failure rewires your brain to recognize the feeling of failure as a time to grow.
Of course no one loves to fail. Failure is uncomfortable. It hurts. The child that falls may cry, but she gets right back up.
It's actually in the jumping and even falling against the power of gravity... against that which would hold us back, that our bones and muscles and our entire body systems literally grow stronger.
Going to the gym is uncomfortable too. But it makes you stronger. No surprise then that it's the same for emotional, mental, creative and business growth as it is for physical growth.
In fitness you learn not to shy away from failure because that's where you grow strongest.
It's in pushing against the gravity of our resistance, that we grow stronger.
REASONS TO SMILE If you missed the Reasons to Smile article inspired by iCreateDaily community member, Jaymee Thompson, others have added to it so that we now have 100. Feel free to reply with yours and I’ll add them to this list as well.
You can’t make a list about things that make you smile without smiling. So it’s a wonderful pick-me-up tool. |