“You can spit on a rose, but it's still a rose.” ~Marty Rubin, author
I wrote about this a couple months ago in this article on Ridiculous Ridicule, but it’s so pervasive at this point in civilization that it bears more lightness on the subject.
RIDICULE: Negativity and ridicule tends to be a societal habit. Many use ridicule for humor and to stir up drama for entertainment. I mean…it would be boring if everything was sunshine and roses with everyone getting along, right? Right..? For many, the default is to be critical of others.
Often, jokes and shared humor circle around ridicule. Comedians would be out of business without ridicule. Ridicule and negativity are both habits that are a matter of conditioning. We can recondition. The first step is to begin to become aware of any negative and derisive thoughts toward others. We can likely all agree that a little less ridicule and a little more compassion are needed in the world today. And so it begins with us. |