Subject: Silly Little Things

Yesterday afternoon I was making a cup of hot tea — 2 bags of Earl Grey with lavender tea — for my husband, Coleman, and a cup of cocoa for me.

Coleman prefers his afternoon tea to be British style, with milk and honey, heated separately and then added to his tea mug.  

I heated the milk, added the honey, then poured that mixture into his tea mug. Then I noticed that the milk server used for heating his milk was the perfect size for my 8 oz serving of cocoa.

So, instead of using — and dirtying up — another mug, I just made my cocoa in the already “seasoned” milk carafe.

It worked perfectly as a mug, perfect size, one dish saved and it even matched my sweater! 😎😊🥰

All of these things brought a smile to my face. Oftentimes, it’s the silly little things that can make a difference… the negative ones, if we let them, or the positive ones if we cultivate them.

Negativity and positivity are both just habits. One will make you happier. No brainer, right? 

So one of mine is the fun of appreciating and enjoying the silly little things in each day.

Sometimes it’s throwing a wad of paper into the trash can from across the room and ringing it. It might be getting something down from a high shelf, nudging it forward with the tips of my fingers, then catching it before it hits the counter or floor. (Don’t worry… I don’t do that for heavy, breakable or sharp objects).

Another time it might be laughing at the tangle of cords as I try to unravel them while marveling at the knot-making gnomes that must be busy making mischief. I’m certain they must be afoot at night, for you know how a cord or string left out will turn up tangled the next day. 

And of course one could get frustrated at the knots, as we all have likely experienced at technology issues at some point.  But why and what purpose is served? Instead, we can be grateful for the blessing of the technology with every loop untangled.

So you see… it can be the silly little things that bring joy as well as the big things.


Write or create around one or more “silly little things” that make you smile.

Some silly little things that make me smile are……

Transformation through creation.

☀️🌙 ⭐️


~ LeAura

The day is the way.


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